
Previous Newsletters

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Ottawan


Weekend Plans

Each week, more Ottawans are emerging from their pandemic shut-in-ism, blinking in the sunlight and looking for things to do. They’re finding plenty of experiences, too. Pack your mask, observe safety rules, and have a good time, people. 

▪️613Flea returns Saturday August 14th. Over 80 stalls of vinyl, fashion, food, antiques, and more. Free to attend. Casino Lac-Leamy Plaza (Aberdeen Square), Lansdowne Park 1015 Bank Street, Ottawa.

▪️Fever presents Candlelight: Film Scores and Entertainment Epics this Friday August 13th at the First Baptist Church, 140 Laurier St. W. Listen to popular and lesser known scores, performed live by string musicians, with candlelight providing the atmosphere.

▪️For those who prefer to stay closer to home, Ottawa Greek Fest at Home kicks off on Friday the 13th with a livestream Zorba Show. Watch on the Ottawa Greek Fest Instagram and Facebook Live starting at 8:30pm. The show will run again next Friday August 20th at the same time. Pair your viewing with some authentic Greek specials like Moussaka or Souvlaki from the Hellenic Event Centre, 1315 Prince of Wales Drive. When you pick up your dinner, check out the Greek Festival shop, where you can find sterling silver jewelery. 

▪️The Mayfair Theatre has reopened with pandemic-friendly limited seating, and is rolling out a terrific weekend of programming, starting with tonight’s screening of An American Werewolf in London at 9:15pm. On Friday the 13th, erotic love story Curiosa has its Ottawa premiere at 3:50pm, with repeated screenings over the next few days. At 6:30pm the intriguing sci-fi Nine Days starts its run, with old stand by Friday the 13th Part III rounding out the schedule at 9:25pm. 

Deals of the Day

▪️Province of Canada has put select items on sale, up to 50% off regular prices. Choose from crop tanks and tees to sweatpants and shorts.
▪️Summer tees, blouses, dresses, and jumpsuits are available now for 20 to 60% off regular prices at Meemoza right now. Enjoy these Canadian made pieces now and get a head start on your summer 2022 wardrobe. 

We'll see you tomorrow – Martha and Darren

? Is there something that Ottawa should know about? Email us at We read every single comment.


Weather: ☔️ 40 per cent chance of showers. High of 29°, low of 21°

Number: 80. The per centage of Ottawa municipal workers who have stayed on the job rather than working from home during the pandemic. [Le Droit]

Ottawans of the Day: The Assunnah Muslims Association. The Association has been creating and delivering food packages and hygiene kits to anyone that requires it since the pandemic began. [City of Ottawa]

Quote: ‘I was keeping it a secret from others but already then I felt like I was going to be doing this’ – Joshia de Jonge who has been building high-end guitars in the Gatineau Hills since she was 13.  [CTV] [Joshia de Jonge Guitars]

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All data is as of this morning, changes are compared with yesterday.


553,962? 5139,412 ? 0
? Eligible people with one dose81.9% 
? Eligible people with second dose73.1%

Ontario COVID Page    Ontario Vaccine Rates 


380,407?36911,242 ? 0
? Eligible people with one dose84.6%
? Eligible people with second dose71.1%

Quebec COVID Page     Quebec Vaccine Rates


cases changedeaths
27,924? 21

593 ? 0

? Eligible people with one dose

773,555 (84%)
? Eligible people with second dose687,161 (74%)

Ottawa Public Health     Ottawa Vaccination Rates.    Ottawa Wastewater 


12,640?5215 ? 0
? Number of doses of vaccine 524,015

As of Aug 3, 2021 Updated Weekly

? Eligible people with one dose196,875 (66.9%)
? Eligible people with second dose159,494 (54.2%)

Outaouais Public Health    Quebec Vaccination Rates


4776?6111 ? 0
? Eligible people with one dose148,079 (81.3%)
? Eligible people with second dose130,672 (71.4%)

Eastern Ontario Health UnitEastern Ontario Health Unit Vaccination Rates



⭕ A poll finds that the typical vaccine-hesitant person is a ‘42-year-old Ontario woman who votes Liberal’. [Maclean’s]

⭕ A map of vaccinated people overlaying the city shows that disadvantaged neighbourhoods are the least vaccinated and wealthy neighbourhoods the most. [CBC]

⭕ The Federal Government promises a vaccine passport to allow Canadians to travel internationally. The passports would verify the vaccine used, the number of doses, and where it was administered. The passport is expected to be in use by autumn. [CTV]

⭕ Canada will donate all of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in the country to low and middle income countries. While approved in Canada, the 10 million doses have never been used as other vaccines are preferred. [North Shore News]

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Historic Logo t-shirts
Ottawan T-shirt

Support the ottawan

Buy one of our Ottawa Historic Logo t-shirts or an ottawan logo t-shirt (which is sure to be historic one day).

Historic the ottawan


▪️Seven of the 19 double-decker buses taken out of service need to have their steering fixed. The 19 buses were of the same model as the bus that was stuck in a Carling Avenue ditch Tuesday. [Bulldog Ottawa

+ Related The derailed O-Train on the Confederation line has been slowly driven back to the depot, with workers walking alongside

▪️A vast collection of 16th- and 17th-century northern European art has been donated to the National Gallery of Canada. In one of the largest art donations in Canadian history, Montreal physicians Jonathan Meakins and Jacqueline McClaran have donated 258 prints, etchings and woodcuts, including works by Rembrandt, Brueghel and Dürer. The Collectors' Cosmos.The Meakins-McClaran Print Collection will be on display until November 14. [CBC]

▪️ A Gatineau man threatened Quebec politicians on Facebook, resulting in a car chase, tazers, and seized guns. After posing with a picture of a gun, the man got into his car, struck a chasing police vehicle, and eventually tried to punch an officer. The man's name and whom he threatened have been withheld. [Ottawa Citizen]

▪️ Ottawa Police go undercover to retrieve generator stolen from food truck. The generator was stolen in May and turned up for sale on a website. The owners of Stoked saw the ad and called the police, who pretended to be interested buyers. [CTV]

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