If you are one of our many Federal civil service workers, you will be in for a terrible shock by Wednesday morning. TikTok will be automatically erased off your government supplied phone.
The reason is pretty sensible: that same TikTok algorithm that is incredibly accurate in serving up just one more video to keep you online is also completely opaque: who knows what it is learning about or what it is siphoning off your phone. TikTok may or may not be sending it all to the company’s headquarters in Beijing where strong privacy laws are non existent.
On the other hand, you will now have an extra 14 hours a day available.
Correction: Last Friday we mentioned the Canadian Association of
Physicians for the Environment were going to use the Health Protection and Promotion Act to fight pollution from trucks travelling through downtown. We said it was regarding the planned new downtown truck route, however, the Association has written to us to clarify that the pollution is happening now and they are fighting the existing truck route.
Snow: We're expecting 15 cm overnight. Govern yourself accordingly, preferably with hot toddies, a thick cardigan, and the couch.
– Martha and Darren