
Ottawa 17:15


Partly cloudy

Wind 6.5 m/s WNW

Humidity 67%

Dewpoint -9.6°c

Pressure 1026 hPa

UV 0

Visibility 24 km

07:11 AM

05:24 PM

03:12 PM

06:32 AM

Waxing Gibbous

Hourly Forecast

Data provided by WeatherAPI

3 Day Forecast

The high will be -5°c, the low will be -15°c.

Wind: 17.3 m/s

Humidity: 78%

UV: {dailyUV}

Sunrise: 07:11 AM

Sunset: 05:24 PM

Moonrise: 03:12 PM

Moonset: 06:32 AM

Waxing Gibbous

The high will be -2°c, the low will be -23°c.

Wind: 20.9 m/s

Humidity: 76%

UV: {dailyUV}

Sunrise: 07:10 AM

Sunset: 05:25 PM

Moonrise: 04:26 PM

Moonset: 07:04 AM

Waxing Gibbous

The high will be -9°c, the low will be -18°c.

Wind: 17.6 m/s

Humidity: 75%

UV: {dailyUV}

Sunrise: 07:09 AM

Sunset: 05:26 PM

Moonrise: 05:38 PM

Moonset: 07:28 AM

Full Moon