Today in the City wants to know ...
If you didn’t get involved in the City’s budget process, why didn’t you? Is it deathly boring? Deliberately confusing? Rigged to prioritize line items that the City wants over what the public needs? The City has opened a survey on how it develops the budget. You have until May 24 to answer.
Over at OC Transpo, the transit department has two surveys: one about your experiences on buses, the other on your experiences on the O Train.
Of course they missed one: there is no survey about ParaTranspo.
The Ottawa Transit Riders noticed that discrepancy and have launched a ParaTranspo survey of their own. It was probably just an oversight.
On Friday we wrote about the Ottawa professor who has been convicted in absentia in Paris for the 1980 bombing of a synagogue. Hassan Diab taught at Carleton University, not University of Ottawa as we wrote.
The 69 year-old, who has already been extradited from Canada previously before returning due to lack of evidence, is worried that Canada may extradite him once again.
– Martha and Darren