
Previous Newsletters

Issue 601 Volume 3 Number 101

The Ottawan



It’s Wednesday, August 31, 2022 and here is a list of local apple orchards at which you can pick your own fruit.  

Pakistan Aid

The unheard-of monsoon flooding and landslides has killed over 1,100 people and  disrupted millions of lives. 

The Canadian Red Cross has launched an Appeal for Pakistan, donations can be made here.

The Canada Pakistan Association National Capital Region chapter is seeking traditional clothing, men's pants, baby clothes, sweaters, jackets, and bed sheets to send to the area. Details of when and where to drop off items is here. The Association is also looking for volunteers.

Food + Drink Update

▪️Time Out Canada has put two local restaurants on their 20 Best Restaurants in Canada list: The Green Door Restaurant & Bakery and Supply & Demand.

+ Related The Time Out mothership in the UK recently made a list of the coolest streets in the worldNo, Sparks Street did not make the cut but Rue Wellington in Montréal was number one. Ossington Avenue in Toronto was #14.

▪️Coconut Lagoon returns two years after a devastating fire. This time it is dinner service only, no lunch, takeout food, or buffets

▪️Fraser’s takeaway Dinner for Two is a comfort-laden Seafood Puff-Pot-Pie packed with lobster, shrimp, and salmon, and is accompanied by grilled broccoli and peppers. Available for pickup on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 

▪️Repeating the success of its cafe concept inside Home Sociéte on Iris Street, La Bottega Nicastro will be opening a new location at Group Heafey - VIU2 condo development in Gatineau. While the focus will be primarily on the cafe, customers will also be able to order from the 3000 grocery and produce items available at the Bottega’s ByWard market outlet, and pick them up at the Gatineau location.

▪️Wellington Butchery’s Back to School Special – running September 1 through 4 – gives customers 50% off when they buy five or more frozen prepared meals. The cooler weather calls for Shepherd’s Pie or Mac & Cheese, amirite? The discount is available in store only. Head to 1333 Wellington St. West. 

▪️Tickets to Harvest: A Feast of Fall (Wednesday, September 14, 6:30pm to 11:00pm) are now on sale. The event, which supports Ottawa Community Food Partnerships, will provide ticket holders with fine food and drink from 15 area chefs from the Marion Dewar Plaza at City Hall. Individual tickets cost $95, while VIP tickets (including after party and special offerings) are $150. 110 Laurier Ave W.

Deals of the day

Save up to 60% site-wide at Numi until 11:59 tonight. 

It’s BOGO time at 18 Waits. Buy one men’s short sleeve summer shirt and get one for 50% off. Use the code SHORTBOGO50 at checkout. 

Get free shipping on orders over $150 with the code FREESHIP at Erin Templeton. Only until September 5. 

Miss Address’s luxurious jumpsuits are 10% off until tomorrow.

We'll see you tomorrow – Martha and Darren

? Is there something that Ottawans should know about? Email to us at We read every single comment.


Weather: ?️ A few showers. High of 22°, low of 12°.   

Number: $728 million. The amount of money owed to the employee pension fund by the City of Ottawa on top of what it has set aside.  [Bulldog Ottawa]

Ottawan of the Day: TALK. The musician has suddenly found fame as his year-old single ‘Run Away To Mars’ has hit (or nearly hit) #1 on Spotify’s Viral charts for Norway, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the US. [Apt 613] [#2 on Global Spotify]

Quote: ‘Ottawa lacks sexiness and jazz’ – Author Elie Mikhael Nasrallah, who wants the council candidates to have a vision for the City to make Ottawa ‘sexy enough to attract tourists like Rome, Paris and London do’. [Ottawa Citizen]

Sports: Frontier League Ottawa Titans – Trois-Rivieres Aigles, rained out

Historic Logo t-shirts
Ottawan T-shirt

Support the ottawan

Buy one of our Ottawa Historic Logo t-shirts or an ottawan logo t-shirt (which is sure to be historic one day).

Historic the ottawan


▪️City Council voted to demolish an affordable apartment building to create a eight bay office parking lot. Incredible as it sounds, Council voted 13 to 11 this morning to demolish the building, evicting its residents, to create a small parking lot. 

The Councillors who voted in favour and are running for reëlection are:

Ward 1 – Matthew Luloff
Ward 2 – Laura Dudas
Ward 4 – Cathy Curry
Ward 11 – Tim Tierney
Ward 19 – Catherine Kitts
Ward 20 – George Darouze
Ward 23 – Allan Huble 

The developer, Taggart, is building apartments on the existing office parking lot and needs somewhere for the office cars. They told Council that there was no other solution. [CTV

▪️Trial date has been set for trucker siege co-organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber. The two will be in an Ottawa courtroom in September 2023 on charges of  mischief, obstructing police, and counselling others to commit mischief and intimidation. Both have been previously released on bail conditions. [CBC]

▪️Gatineau's recreation registration website crashed this weekPeople trying to register for swimming in Ottawa had a similar problem earlier this month. In Gatineau’s case, registration has been put off until September 7. [CBC]

▪️A new report finds that employees of the Canadian Museum of History have a low level of trust in senior management. The Museum has been without a permanent CEO for over two years. The previous CEO retired early after a workplace complaint. Acting CEO Caroline Dromaguet was dropped from consideration as a permanent chief as she does not speak French. [CBC]

▪️Federal Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra says he is hiring an external advisor to study faster train travel this Autumn. We've heard about the plan before, the fact that an advisor is being hired soon is new. The advisor will be empowered to suggest a dedicated VIA Rail line where needed, as VIA Rail shares the entirety of the route between Québec City and Windsor with freight traffic. [Windsor Star]

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