Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The Ottawan


Tuesday Jobs

▪️If you love chocolate as much as you love getting paid, this one might be for you. Hummingbird Chocolate is looking for a full time, permanent Office Administrator and full and part time Retail Associates/Baristas for its Almonte workshop.

▪️The Ottawa School of Art is searching for a new Executive Director to develop and execute a strategic plan to take the organization forward.

▪️While the Ottawa Tool Library has had to postpone its January workshops and safety courses, the organization is still open for tool rentals, with reduced hours: Tuesday to Friday from 5:00pm to 8:00pm and Saturday from 10:00am to 1:00pm. The OTL is also looking for volunteers to help with everything from tool doctoring to rentals to events. 

January Sales

▪️Bella’s Consignment Boutique’s 50% Off sale started today at 12:00pm and includes winter wear, holiday decor, and all new winter lines, but excludes designer handbags and shoes. Visit the store Tuesday through Friday from 12:00pm to 5:00pm and Saturday from 10:00am to 5:00pm. 2039 Robertson Road, Unit 9, Ottawa.

▪️For an extremely limited time, Quebec retailer Oraki is putting everything on sale, with some items as much as 70% off. From January 13th at 12:00pm to January 14th at 12:00pm, bag a bargain on leggings, hoodies, beanies, joggers, sweaters, and dresses, all made in Canada from recycled fibres. 

▪️Until Thursday night at midnight, save 30% off all regularly priced items at Cheerfully Made

We'll see you tomorrow– Martha and Darren

? Is there something that Ottawa should know about? Email to us at We read every single comment.


Weather: ? Sunny. High of -18°, low of -18°. The City has issued a frostbite warning and is reminding people to call 311 if they need shelter or see someone who could use shelter.

Number: 40. The number of applications for new cannabis shops across Ottawa. [Ottawa Citizen

Ottawan of the Day:  Karen Munro Caple. The cartoonist has released a new book, The Lighter Side of the Pandemic. “It’s a way to see the humorous side of a very stressful era,” she says. [Apartment 613] [The Book]

Quote: ‘Monsieurs Clark, Mulroney, Chrétien, Martin and Harper, along with Ms. Campbell, can all issue a statement and give the current prime minister some political cover. Fix 24 Sussex’ – History teacher and author JDM Stewart entreating the living former prime ministers to support the renovation of 24 Sussex Drive, which has been largely abandoned since 2015 due to lack of maintenance. [Ottawa Playbook

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Information is as of this morning. Changes are relative to yesterday.


hospitalizationschangein icuchange
2,467? 48438? 26
888,297? 9,70610,378?12
? Eligible people with one dose (5+)87.8% 
? Eligible people fully vaccinated (5+)81.3%

Ontario COVID Page    Ontario Vaccine Rates 


hospitalizationschangein icuchange
2,742? 188255? 7
758,576?8,71012,028 ?66
? Eligible people with one dose (5+)89.6%
? Eligible people with two doses (5+)81.9%

Quebec COVID Page     Quebec Vaccine Rates


hospitalizationschangein icuchange
cases changedeaths

637 ?1

? Eligible people with one dose (5+)

898,419 (91%)
? Eligible people with two doses (5+)827,700 (83%)

Ottawa Public Health     Ottawa Vaccination Rates.    Ottawa Wastewater 


hospitalizationschangein icuchange
29,649?2,159224 ? 0
? Number of doses of vaccine 733,723

As of January 4, 2022 Updated Weekly

? Eligible people with one dose (12+) 88.4%
? Eligible people with two doses (12+)85.8%

Outaouais Public Health    Quebec Vaccination Rates


hospitalizationschangein icuchange
10,654?575135 ?0
? Eligible people with one dose (5+)177,724 (86.4%)
? Eligible people with two doses (5+)164,855 (80.4%)
? Eligible people with booster shot59,956

Eastern Ontario Health Unit  Eastern Ontario Health Unit Vaccination Rates



⭕ The US Centre for Disease Control is advising Americans to avoid travelling to Canada due to rising COVID-19 cases. The Centre has placed Canada on its ‘level four: very high’ list, the highest level. We join most of Europe on that list. [The Guardian] [Centre for Disease Control]

⭕ Ottawa hospitals may call in health care workers who are showing signs of COVID-19 due to staff shortages. They would self-isolate at work and take meals and breaks away from other employees. The idea is they would be called in when patient safety is more at risk by lack of staff than from coming into contact with COVID-19. [CBC]

⭕ Canadians are getting stuck in the United States because that country is running short of rapid COVID-19 tests, required to return to Canada if the traveller has been gone for more than 72 hours. [CBC]

⭕ The Ottawa Hospital will move some patients into the gym if it receives a surge of COVID-19 patients. [CTV]

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Historic Logo t-shirts
Ottawan T-shirt

Support the ottawan

Buy one of our Ottawa Historic Logo t-shirts or an ottawan logo t-shirt (which is sure to be historic one day).

Historic the ottawan


▪️The Ottawa Winter Jazz Fest has been cancelled for obvious reasons. The Fest was back on for the January 28-29 and February 3-5 weekends but is now cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. Ticket holders can use them for the Summer Festival or request a refund. [CityNews]

▪️The City has launched a website for the public to comment on planned sidewalks and bike lanes. We're not 100% sure that we have not run this before – we can't find it  – and we think we would have noticed because the website looks like it's from the 90s. Our feeling is when the City does websites like this, the decisions have already been made but since they are required to get public input they make responding as unappealing as possible.  [City of Ottawa]

▪️Horizon Ottawa wants the City and Ottawa Public Health to request the return of the eviction moritorum by the Province. The housing advocates say that is wrong to allow evictions during a stay-at-home order. Homelessness has rises 70 per cent since the pandemic began. [Horizon Ottawa]

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