In Today’s Edition → On his final day, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has suggestions about 24 Sussex Drive → The International Film Festival of Ottawa takes over film fans', hearts this week → Deals of the Day on #madeincanada items at Maker House → ☀️ High 4° Low -9° and sunny. ☀️ 7:19 am 🌛 7:07 pm Corrections Reader Carol wrote to correct us about yesterday’s listing: ‘It’s Louise Penny, not Perry. This woman has a Canadian moral compass, let’s make sure her name is at least spelled correctly’. Tickets for Louise Penny at the National Arts Centre next October are already sold out. Also yesterday, we wrote that the Ottawa-based Dymond Company operated the well-known storage units of Ottawa-based Dymon They are two separate companies with no connection to each other. We apologize for the error. And we don’t really need to speak about it again. The Poll Yesterday, we asked ‘Do you subscribe to cable television?’ 15% Yes, and no streaming services 36% Yes, and one or more streamers 43% No, but I do subscribe to streamers 5% No, and really, television is the opiate of the masses 1% Movies N Stuff and Glebe Video International still rent DVDs, that's all I require Now we’re kind of curious what the result would have been if we had asked if you still owned a DVD player at all ... Today’s question (Take a look at What Ottawa is Talking About down below for more info): |
What should be done about 24 Sussex Drive? |
We welcome any comments ‘’ – Martha and Darren |
NUMBER - 94%
- – The portion of VIA Rail trains between Ottawa and Québec City that suffered delays of more than 10 to 15 minutes in February. That’s 14 per cent higher than January.
- Daniel Leblanc at CBC
THE OTTAWAN was launched in 2020 as the daily answer to the questions: What’s going on? What should I do? Where is somewhere good to eat? Please consider joining the many other readers with a monthly, annual, or one-time donation to keep THE OTTAWAN on its mission. All annual or one-time donations over $60 get a free OTTAWAN or historic logo t-shirt of their choice. |
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💸 Tariffs The tariff issue changes minute-by-minute but here are a few local items: 🚲 Weekend Bikedays - The National Capital Commission has approved another year of Weekend Bikedays on its driveways. The Kichi Zībī Mīkan, the Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway, and a Queen Elizabeth Driveway portion will be closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays to vehicles and open to pedestrians and cyclists. Bikedays will operate May 10 to October 13.
The Ottawa Citizen
✈️ WestJet - A Calgary – Ottawa WestJet flight was cancelled over security concerns yesterday afternoon. No other information is available so far.
The Canadian Press
🍁 24 Sussex Drive - On his last day in New Edinburgh, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has submitted an idea of what to do about 24 Sussex Drive. While Trudeau lived in the official residence as a child when his father was prime minister, 24 Sussex Drive has been uninhabitable during his entire ministry. Trudeau suggests that responsibiity should be moved from the National Capital Commission to Public Works Canada as that department has the technical expertise. He also recommends a panel of worthy Canadians, including former prime ministers of all parties, to give the project political cover.
David Cochrane at CBC
Club Zinc T-Shirt For underground Ottawa of 80s, Club Zinc was a short, dark light. Help support the ottawan by buying one of our historic logo t-shirts. BUY A HISTORIC LOGO T-SHIRT |
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✳️ Means change from previous edition THURSDAY ✳️ International Film Festival of Ottawa is now underway, with screenings of the short film Greenhorn (Canada, 2024) and feature Gondola (Georgia, Germany 2024). The Gladstone Presents! Wintertime Music Festival continues with Harmony of Cultures; an evening of music from Ottawa Chinese Musicians Association. It’s all fun and games at Art House’s Beats & Boards night. PWYC. 🆓 Watch for the pink ball at Broadhead Brewery’s Bingo Thursday. The jerk store called; it’s having a Seinfeld Trivia Night at the Bridge Public House at RSC (1 Donald St). Enjoy a little March Break mystery at the Enchanted Wonders – a Family Magic Show! 2:00 pm today at Meridian Theatres @ Centrepointe. The Flock Trunk Sale has a new venue this year. Starting today and continuing through Sunday, you’ll find all the best Canadian womenswear brands up close and personal at Next Door Market and Event Space. The artists are back and there’s going to be a battle. Watch as 12 artists go three exciting 20 minute rounds to create the winning masterpiece. Art Battle at Overflow Brewing. ByTowne Cinema: Looney Toons Cartoon Party, Seven Veils, Ciné-Club D’Ottawa: Kanaval, Detour: Josie and the Pussycats Mayfair Theatre: Wicked, I’m Still Here, A Complete Unknown, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Gigs Jim Cochrane. Irene’s Pub Marc McLaughlin and Guests. LIVE on Elgin August John, Crow’s Feet, Sun Dried Flies. Rainbow Bistro Heavy Trip, The Band Whose Name is a Symbol, Altar of the Fuzz. House of TARG Syrup N’Grits. Night Oat
FRIDAY ✳️ Tonight’s IFFO screenings: One Day (Canada, 2024), Memories of a Burning Body (Costa Rica, Spain, 2024), Two of Hearts (Canada, 2024), The Milssile (Finland, 2024), Zoé (Canada, 2024), and Honeymoon (Ukraine, 2024) 🆓 Bring your donation pile to Zoe’s Corner for the second annual Clothing Swap. Today from 12:00 - 3:00 pm and again on Saturday (March 15) from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. 5460 Canotek Raod Unit 103. Perform or be a spectator as Urban Legends Poetry Collective brings a Pay What You Decide Poetry Slam to the Arts Court Atelier. Today at Gladstone Theatre Presents! Winter Music Festival, experience an evening with Mimi O’Bonswain. It’s not inconceivable: the ByTowne Cinema is screening Rob Reiner’s Princess Bride at 1:00 pm. Tonight’s feature cocktail at the Calabogie Brewing Kanata taproom is the Lucky Charms Radler, so you can guess the theme. Reservations encouraged. The St Patrick’s Day weekend starts tonight at Heart & Crown ByWard Market. Road Trip: Cold Bear Brewing in Arnprior kicks off its St Patrick’s Day weekend of festivities with a Peaky Blinders Party. Dress as your favourite character from the show, and get ready for Irish karaoke, a photo booth, and more shenanigans. The Sober Lunar Eclipse Glow Walk will take participants along trails in Torbolton Forest (Constance Bay). Students from the Sue Healey School of Irish Dance will kick off Moose McGuire’s Orléans St Patrick’s Day programming at 5:30 pm today. - ByTowne Cinema: Klassic Kids: The Princess Bride, No Other Land, The Way, My Way, The King of Comedy
Mayfair Theatre: Flow, A Complete Unknown, Universal Language, Bonnie and Clyde Gigs Cadence Weapon. National Arts Centre Dance Mix 2000. House of TARG Groove Society. Poa Tiki Bar 90s-Now Pop Alt Rock Music Dance Party. LIVE on Elgin James LeClaire. Art House Café Friday Night Laughs. Nuvo Lounge 295
SATURDAY Listen to singer songwriter Ryan O’Neill at Covered Bridge Brewing. The final performance in The Gladstone Presents! A Wintertime Music Festival, Latin Rhythms Celebration, is a matinée show presented in partnership with Axé World Fest. Almonte welcomes Seedy Saturday, where you can trade and buy seeds and listen to speakers with inspiring ideas for your garden. Bring your own house plant(s) to Anina’s Cafe for the Plant Swap, which is celebrating the start of Horticultural Therapy Week. The flowers might not be popping up yet in gardens but you can get an eyeful of blossoms and other elements of the natural world at Urban Art Collective’s new show “botanics: artwork by Emilie Darlington.” The Vernissage runs 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm today. Donations to the Ottawa Food Bank are welcome at the Brass Monkey’s St. Paddy’s Day Kitchen Party with members of Evil Creek, Bassett & The Hound, and others. First up on IFFO’s schedule today is Buses Don’t Stop Here Anymore, a short film about Ottawa’s late, lamented Greyhound bus station. More shorts and features screen throughout the late afternoon and evening. 🆓 There’s no cover for the ByTown Sea Shanty Collective show at Beyond the Pale Brewing Co. You’ll want to get there early though, as it’s St. Patrick’s Day weekend and the shanties will be Irish-leaning. East Coast Experience and guest Irish Millie promise a St Patrick’s Day experience at the Bronson Centre. Broadway Bar & Grill will celebrate St. Patrick's Day with green cocktails and live music from the Lewis Boys. The jazz is injected with blues, funk, afro, latin, hip hop and other styles at Art House’s Tour of Jazz: Courage4. ByTowne Cinema: IFFO screening (Buses Don’t Stop Here Anymore, Grand Tour), The Way, My Way, No Other Land, Detour: Daises - Mayfair Theatre: Flow, A Complete Unknown, Lost Highway, Saturday Night Sinema
Gigs Maggots: A Tribute to Sliipkknot. Overflow Brewing The Wooden Nickels. Stray Dog Brewing Company The Barrow Gang. Carleton Tavern Barrelhouse: Tribute to the Allman Brothers. Rainbow Bistro Funk nite with Smelloship and Mecca of Stank. House of TARG Marc-Anthony Sinagoga: Family Style (comedy). Gladstone Theatre
The Ottawa bureau staff of the New York Times has a new podcast attempting to explain to Americans how ‘the dispute is shifting the country’s politics, culture, and place on the global stage’. |
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