In Today’s Edition
→ City Council to decide how they will replace Osgoode councillor George Darouze, who was elected as an MPP
→ There are still tickets left to see David Cross at the Bronson Centre tomorrow
→ Deal of the Day on #madeincanada furniture
→ ❄️ High 1° Low -5° and partly cloudy. ☀️ 6:35 am 🌛 5:55 pm
The Poll
Yesterday, we asked ‘How difficult would your life be if your car was one of the fifty trapped in the Slater Street parkade?’
19% Not at all – OC Transpo’s buses and trains take me everywhere I need, on reliable schedules
70% Somewhat – some parts of my life are convenient to transit, other parts are nowhere near the closest bus stop
11% Wouldn’t notice – I have another vehicle
There was one clear result: readers thought we didn’t include enough options. A more considerate newsletter would also have included walking, no access to transit at all, cycling, and something sarcastic about the shameful service of Para Transpo.
Today’s question (jump to the What Ottawa is Talking About section first for the background):