The City is bringing in a new zoning bylaw which will determine what can be built where. Some of the changes are because of the City’s desire for sprawl, others are because of changes imposed by the Province to make development of housing easier.
The City has created – get this – 21 discussion papers on the changes, which you can read here.
The City also says that it ‘will be consulting with communities, the development industry, grass-roots organizations, non-profits and other stakeholders to ensure that everyone gets a chance to have their say in the new Zoning By-law.’ It doesn't say how or when this is happening, but when we find out, we'll say so.
This is one of those situations where we seem to be dumped on with a pile of paper and our collective first response to to have our eyes glaze over but in reality, the decisions made will change Ottawa in a significant and irreversible way.
Take the time to read it.
– Darren and Martha