What’s going on at City Hall
Committee of Adjustment – Panel 3
Tuesday, September 17 at 9:00 am
- 177 Loreka – To permit an increased projection for the construction of a deck at the rear of the existing dwelling.
- 5370 Sand – To convey a portion of land to the abutting property to the northwest (PIN 14558-0149).
- 394 Allbirch – To permit an increased cumulative floor area and reduced setbacks from the front and side lot lines for the construction of a new detached garage.
- 4490 Donnelly – To convey a portion of the property to the abutting property owners to the east, known municipally as 4472 Donnelly Drive.
- 1126 Cope – To permit a driveway to occupy 60 per cent of the front yard.
📋 Agenda
Committee of Adjustment – Panel 2
Tuesday, September 17 at 1:00 pm
- 3095 Palladium – To subdivide the property into two parcels of land and establish easements for future development.
- 1224 Place d'Orléans – To permit daytime and overnight boarding of household pets in an existing unit of a commercial building (“Dogtopia”).
- 340 Poulin – To permit reduced front yard, corner side yard and interior side yard setbacks for one half of a proposed semi-detached dwelling.
- 10 Meadowlands – To subdivide the property into two parcels of land to establish separate ownership for each half of the semi-detached dwelling.
- 37 Tower – To permit vehicle parking spaces in the corner side yard, a reduced soft landscape area in the corner side and front yards, increased driveway and walkway widths with no soft landscape separation, and an increased private approach width.
- 3776, 3780 Albion – To subdivide the property into two lots for back-to-back townhouse buildings (4 dwelling units and 4 additional dwelling units) with reduced driveway width, increased eaves and stair riser projection and individual and shared driveways on the same lot.
📋 Agenda
Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee
Tuesday, September 17 at 4:00 pm
- Update on the Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference
- Update on Priorities for the Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee – Integrated and Simpler Systems, and Housing
📋 Agenda
Accessibility Advisory Committee
Tuesday, September 17 at 6:00 pm
- Lansdowne 2.0 Phase 1 Event Centre – That the Accessibility Advisory Committee receive the presentation and provide feedback as appropriate.
- City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan Consultations – That the Accessibility Advisory Committee receive the presentation and provide feedback as appropriate.
📋 Agenda