Get ready for Lansdowne 2.0. The City and Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group have big plans for the revelopment of the site, involving tearing down stands, building housing, and adding retail and restaurants. The official development site is here but the City has made it largely impenetrable. The details are in this PDF, which again, if the City want you to read it they would have made it nicer. But the City is asking for your opinion about Lansdowne 2.0 in this online survey. Let the City know what you think. – Martha and Darrren |
ottawa historic logo t-shirts |
🐴 Horses of courses
🚨 Licence plate leniency
🐕 Rescue dogs
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Brendan Fraser won the Best Actor award at the Oscars last night. And since he’s a beloved hometown lad, you could say that Ottawa itself won an Oscar last night. And if Ottawa won, you could say that you personally won. Believe us, we've checked out the math – it works. So congratulations everyone one your win. Feel free to add it to your résumés. |
We will see you tomorrow – Martha and Darren 🗣️ Is there something that Ottawa should know about? Email to us at We read every single comment. ⏩ Was this edition of the ottawan forwarded to you? Sign up here. 📧 Forward this edition of the ottawan to someone. ❓ Missed a number? View our archive here.