Monday, April 25, 2022

The Ottawan



Afternoon Tea


Whether you take her on Mother’s day or a regular rainy Thursday, afternoon tea is wonderful way to spend time with your Mum (or Mother figure). You’ll bond over scones, marvel at the tiny sandwiches, and savour soothing cups of tea (or cocktails, or bottomless Prosecco).

▪️Zoe’s in the Chateau Laurier.
Zoe's Afternoon Tea is all in: scones, a choice of 35 loose leaf teas, open face sandwiches, and desserts, all served up in truly glamourous surroundings. 
Daily from 11:00am to 3:00pm
$65 per person
Fairmont Château Laurier, 1 Rideau Street

▪️Vanitea Room Mother’s Day Tea Sunday May 8th
The Vanitea Room puts on a tea treat like no other, with tea, scones, pastries, savouries, and a little gift and a cocktail for Mother. 

$70 per person
Check out the brunch and afternoon tea options featuring some of Ottawa’s most exquisite drag performers.
551 Somerset St West

▪️Quelque Chose Macarons adds fruit salad to the menu, along with  scones, macarons, sandwiches, desserts and your choice of four teas.
Tuesday to Sunday 11:00am to 4:00pm
Saturday and Sunday 10:00am to 4:00pm
$40 per person
Westboro, Vanier, ByWard Market
Gluten free menu available

▪️You'll enjoy homemade lemon curd and traditional clotted cream at the Mother's Day Afternoon Tea at Tea and Cake in Almonte, both of which go stunningly well with scones.
$32+hst per person
Choose from the 3:00pm or 4:30pm seatings.
19 Bridge Street, Almonte


We'll see you tomorrow – Martha and Darren

☕ Is there something that Ottawa should know about? Email to us at We read every single comment.


Weather: ?️ 60 per cent chance of showers. High of 19°, low of 9°. 

Number: Two. As of May 1, the number of shops in Ottawa selling Magic Mushrooms openly. [CBC

Ottawan of the Day: Bruce Cockburn. The musician has been awarded a star on Canada's Walk of Fame – but inductees actually get two stars. One is placed along King Street in Toronto, the other is placed in their hometown. Cockburn chose his to be located in front of the National Arts Centre last Saturday, as it is close to the former location of coffeehouse Le Hibou, where he got his start. [Ottawa Citizen]

Quote: ‘Watson’s unabashed suburban favouritism floated him through multiple elections, exempting him from having to bring some life and imagination to the city. He’s not running again in 2022, but the boring design for which he advocated and the bad deals he made during his tenure will remain a part of the city’s landscape for years to come’ – Tracey Linderman on how the new central Ottawa Library is an unimaginative project, it could have been built around an O-Train and include housing . [Ottawa Magazine]

Sports: NHL Montréal Canadiens 4 – Ottawa Senators 6, last night CPL Atlético Ottawa 1 – Valour FC 6, last night

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Information is as of this morning. Changes are relative to yesterday.


hospitalizationschangein icuchange
1,455? 93219? 7
1,244,186? 2,02812,736 ? 32
? Eligible people vaccinated with one dose (5+)92.4% 
? Eligible people vaccinated with two doses (5+)


? All people in Ontario with third dose49.1%

Ontario COVID Page    Ontario Vaccine Rates 


hospitalizationschangein icuchange
2,345? 186? -4
1,033,925? 1,30514,874 ? 8
? Eligible people vaccinated with one dose (5+)98.9%
? Eligible people vaccinated with two doses (5+)87.3%
? All people in Quebec with third dose51.2%

Quebec COVID Page     Quebec Vaccine Rates


hospitalizationschangein icuchange
31? 54? 0
cases changedeaths
70,669? 501773 ? 0
? Eligible people vaccinated with one dose (5+)915,390 (92%)
? Eligible people vaccinated with two doses (5+)879,108 (89%)
? Eligible people vaccinated with three doses (12+)570,497 (62%)

Ottawa Public Health     Ottawa Vaccination Rates.    Ottawa Wastewater 


hospitalizationschangein icuchange
109? 106? 2
38,679? 209299  ? 0

As of April 21, 2022 Updated Weekly

? Eligible people vaccinated with one dose (12+) 88.2%
? Eligible people vaccinated with two doses (12+)86.2%

Outaouais Public Health    Quebec Vaccination Rates


The Health Unit is changing the way they report. In the meantime, they are reporting only selected information. 

hospitalizationschangein icuchange
11? -42? 0
active caseschangedeaths
-? -226 ? 3

Eastern Ontario Health Unit.   Daily Stats  



⭕ The United States has extended its vaccination requirement for all non-citizens crossing the border. Everyone must show a negative test result before crossing into the US by air, non-citizens merely need to prove that they are vaccinated if they cross by land. The requirements were set to expire last Thursday before being extended. [Reuters]

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Historic Logo t-shirts
Ottawan T-shirt

Support the ottawan

Buy one of our Ottawa Historic Logo t-shirts or an ottawan logo t-shirt (which is sure to be historic one day).

Historic the ottawan


▪️263 out of 275 complaints about the Ottawa Police handling of the Trucker siege were ignored. The Office of the Independent Police Review Director received the complaints from the public over the Ottawa Police Service's seeming refusual to do anything about the siege. The Office called some of these complaints ‘frivolous’, ‘vexatious’ or ‘not in the public interest’. [CBC] [The Complaints]

▪️Ottawa Police have discovered that they can bar vehicles from blocking downtown, in this case, the Rolling Thunder motorcycle-based protest next weekend. The Police has incorrectly stated that the reason they let hundreds of trucks into the downtown core was because it was illegal for them to create no-traffic zones. Nothing has changed, but the Police will be enforcing no-traffic zones this weekend. The Rolling Thunder protest are opposing all tyrannical laws, as you do. [CBC]

+ Related New Edinburgh resident Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called for a public inquiry, the Public Order Emergency Commission, to report on invoking the Emergency Act to oust the Trucker siege.

▪️The City has reclaimed $350,000 of the $558,000 it was scammed out of. The Salvation Army Booth Centre's email was hacked and someone used it to send request money from the CIty to a brand new bank account. The City, of course, did so. The Toronto Dominion bank froze the account after the City was granted a court order. [CBC]

+ Related The Salvation Army is building a new chuch near the airport. It had been delayed for a decade, partially because the Airport Authority opposed any developments in its flightpath that are ‘noise sensitive’.

▪️Federal engineer says that everyone in government knows the Alexandra Bridge is a gem but it is structually unsafe. The powers that be have heard why people are upset about the planned replacement of the Alexandra Bridge, yet they have clear and understandable reasons why it must happen.  [Capital Current]

▪️The Ottawa Hospital wants $150 million from the City for its new campus. The City won't have to make any decisions until next year, after the new City Council is elected. But before any money is turned over, maybe the City could require a connection to the O-Train and some sort of replacement for all the destroyed Experimental Farm trees first? [Ottawa Citizen]

+ Related There is an online event this Thursday entitled, ‘Town Hall on Developer Influence’. Councillors Shawn Menard (Not Mendez! Not Mendez) and Catherine McKenney will join Horizon Ottawa's Chris Lee. They'll be discussing the report Follow The Money: Developer Donations and Campaign Finance Reform in the City of Ottawa.

▪️A new French elementary school has been proposed for Stittsville. The Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario has sent the application the City for a development on Cope Road. The land has space for a future high school as well. The proposal includes 20 classrooms and 12 portables. [Stittsville Central]

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