Thursday, April 7, 2022
HELLO OTTAWA ▪️This weekend the National Women’s Show arrives at the Shaw Centre for two days of “Fashion, Food & Fun”. Shop with over 200 exhibitors and visit the “Life & Learning Stage” for runway, health and entertainment shows. ▪️The 17th Southminster Ottawa Scout Group is raising funds by selling garden items. Order your mulch or your grass or your birdseed from the Scouts by April 21 and get driveway delivery on May 7th. ▪️The Old Ottawa South Community Association is inviting everyone to the porch of their old firehouse on Saturday for a BBQ and music. 11 am to 2 pm.
Brittany Frid is adding to her team of Wedding Coordinators who can support nervous couples, lift heavy boxes, and handle the stress that often goes hand in hand with the big day. Must have experience with Aisle Planner.
If your budget allows, be like Chrystia Freeland and snap up some Montreal-designed footwear at L’intervalle, where some styles are currently up to 50% off.
? Is there something that Ottawa should know about? Email to us at We read every single comment. |
STATS Weather: ☀️ Mainly Sunny. High of 15°, low of 6°. Number: 19. The number of police officers, out of 380, on the Gatineau police service who are Indigenous or from a visible or ethnic minority. The Gatineau police have launched an accelerated 10-month programme for underrepresented people to train and, if they pass and are medically fit, the service will hire them. [CBC] [Gatineau Police] Ottawan of the Day: Jonathan David. The soccer star is part of Team Canada, which secured the first World Cup appearance for Canada since 1986. [Capital Current] Quote: ‘It’s nearly Easter, after all, when thoughts turn to resurrecting the dead’ – Kelly Egan in the Citizen on the Senators' renewed dream of having a downtown arena. The National Capital Commission has made its decision about the large scale amusements that will go on LeBreton Flats, but have declined to say what they are. [The Citizen] |
CORONAVIRUS UPDATE Information is as of this morning. Changes are relative to yesterday. ONTARIO
OUTAOUAIS This informaton has not been updated yested. Yesterday's data is below.
EASTERN ONTARIO HEALTH UNIT The Health Unit is changing the way they report. In the meantime, they are reporting only selected information.
COVID-19 NEWS ⭕ Wastewater survelliance is showing that Ontario currently has 100,000 to 120,000 COVID-19 infections per day, similar to the peak of the Omicron wave. [Global] ⭕ Algonquin College joins Carleton and the University of Ottawa in dropping its mask mandate for the next semester, May 1. [Ottawa Citizen] |
WHAT OTTAWA IS TALKING ABOUT ▪️Samuel de Champlain and Zibi Annini’s statues get new homes on Nepean Point. The two are part of a new viewing platform that overlooks the Ottawa River, Gatineau and Parliament Hill. Zibi Annini’s – that's a nickname, by the way – statue is being returned from Major's Hill Park where it was moved 30ish years ago, Champlain’s statue was previously at the highest point in the park and will continue to hold his astrolab upside down. [Ottawa Citizen] + Same Article: The National Capital Commission will run a wheelchair-accessible shuttle from downtown Ottawa to Gatineau Park this summer. Details to come. ▪️8th Line Road golf course may return to agricultural use. This almost never happens – developers turn farm land into golf courses all the time, in some cases later turning the golf course into housing. But the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee has approved zoning that would turn the former Poplar Grove golf course into farmland. [City of Ottawa] ▪️Condé Nast Traveller has a new story on what to do when visiting Ottawa. Nothing you don't know – live in Ottawa two months and you'd be able to identify all the same places. They did mention that Heartbreaker’s Pizza has ‘some of the best natural wine offerings east of Toronto’, which is a nice tip. We find it really hard to find natural wines in Ottawa. [Condé Nast Traveller] ▪️The other day, we linked to a Carleton University student's opinion of Ottawa in the Maclean's University Rankings issue. Today, it's the University of Ottawa's turn. The student says that the best cheap lunch to be found is No Forks Given’s delicious vegan chicken burgers. [Maclean’s] ▪️Nearly $8 million of donations intended for the Trucker siege is unaccounted. The company appointed by the court to hold money donated to the GiveSendGo crowdfunding site says over $20 million was raised, but where nearly $8 million went is uknown. It may have been paid out to protestors, or spent on protesting costs, or possibly refunded. [CBC] ▪️A reminder that a Zoom hearing on tearing down the beautiful Alexandra Bridge is going on next week. The National Capital Commission makes it very hard to find out how to participate – just check out their ’engagement’ page. But you can write them a comment here. There is a hearing by Zoom on April 12 (in French on April 13), but, shockingly, you need to fill out a survey 48 hours before they will tell you what the Zoom address is. You can contact people running the project at Tell them obscurity does them no favours. [CTV] |
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