Some readers did not appreciate yesterday’s subject lline on your daily ottawan.
If you recall, it read ‘Welcome back to work, Civil Servants’.
Some readers read that ‘work’ as a verb, ‘Welcome back to work’, as in it's been a three year vacation at home but now get back to actually doing some labour.
One reader pointed out that even some in government have been using the phrase ‘return to work’ to try to convince the public that Civil servants have not been doing anything at home.
Of course, we didn't mean that. The subject line – which Martha and Darren regularly spend minutes dreaming up – referred to yesterday being the first day that many Federal civil servants were mandated to come back to the office for two or three days a week by the Treasury Board.
We meant ‘work’, the noun, as in the place to which Federal civil servants now must spend time and money traveling.
But it's a fair comment. ‘Welcome back to the office grind’ would have been more accurate.
– Martha and Darren