This is the real Underground Economy
We'd suggest that the ability to keep your claustophobia in check will be an advantage. – Martha and Darren |
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🖊️ Ottawa Carleton District School Board
🛴 E-Scooters
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Regarding the National Capital Commission’s plans to build some embassies on vacant land in Mechanicsville, some people may think it's a good use of vacant land, others decry the loss of greenspace. Ottawa Reddit member Cheesehead 09 is of the latter and has taken some convincing photos of what's now becoming the Lazy Bay Commons. |
We will see you tomorrow – Martha and Darren 🗣️ Is there something that Ottawa should know about? Email to us at We read every single comment. ⏩ Was this edition of the ottawan forwarded to you? Sign up here. 📧 Forward this edition of the ottawan to someone. ❓ Missed a number? View our archive here.