At the ottawan, we generally assume that our subject lines don’t really matter.
While we rarely pass over a chance to make a pun, we try not to use clickbait style headlines – our readers are looking for a quick update on the day and we would never insult you with suggestions of a story we can't deliver.
But we’ve noticed a few recent subject lines have resulted in open rates far exceeding the norm.
Like these:
- ‘Mini Ottawan: we’re snowed in down the road in Montréal’
- ‘Pregnant cat goes missing at Ottawa Airport’
- ‘Sorry, no Ottawan today’
- ‘Ottawa Fire Service rescues kid whose hand was stuck in drain’
And the message we’re receiving from the readers is awfully confusing.
One take is our readers like stories on missing animals and endangered kids.
Another take is our readers are most eager to open our emails when we imply that there is nothing to read inside.
Well, we’re sorry to disappoint today. All sorts of things are happening.
– Martha and Darren
PS Speaking of our wonderful readers, we'll be unveiling a new ottawan membership programme later this week to keep us going in our fifth year, and to keep us free to read.