Thursday April 25, 2024

WOITA 250424

🏒 The Sens

  •  Lack of O Train may be one reason the Sens cannot move downtown. The National Capital Commission has set aside seven acres for a new area, but the existing Kanata site with its massive parking lot, is 75 acres. Unnamed team sources say they are worried about the reliability of the O Train for fans, and in addition, they want a food and drink precinct. The Commission hints that it can be flexible, on the food and drink at least. (Bruce Garrioch in the Ottawa Sun)

📚 Ottawa Carleton District School Board

  •  Some parents are worried that the Ottawa Carleton District School Board may eliminate specialized classes. The Board has not made any decisions but is reviewing its mix of English, French, specialized classes, and the distance children must travel to attend them. Proponents say the spirit of inclusion requires children with special needs to attend the same classes as other children; some parents say that this is code to remove specialized teachers required by their kids. (Safiyah Marhnouj at CBC)

🚌 OC Transpo

  •  The City has selected the seven members of its Transit Advisory Working Group. Residents were invited to apply in December and 390 applications were received. The new members are Ami Gagné, Caroline Lu, Connie Shingoose, Jordan Papazoglou, Nathan-Cyril Manlangit and two people who did not wish to have their membership of the publicly funded, municipal service revealed. (Ottawa Bulldog)

🚚 Renovictions

  •  City Council has approved studying an anti-renoviction bylaw. Staff will make recommendations on feasibility and cost in September. Somerset ward councillor Ariel Troster made the proposal after being inspired by a Hamilton bylaw that requires landlords to prove an eviction is required before receiving a permit to do so. (William Eltherington at CTV)

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