Wednesday August 18, 2021

What Ottawa is Talking About – 18 August 2021

▪️Residents are not happy with the agreement between the  developer of the Heron Gate apartments and the City. Residents point out that the promise of affordable suites is based on a citywide median income, resulting in $1,200 one bedroom rents which they state is too expensive. They also point out only 255 affordable units are promised yet 500 families will be displaced. [Ottawa Citizen

▪️University of Ottawa professor wins appeal in Poland, does not need to apologize over calling a possible Nazi collaborator a possible Nazi collaborator. History professor Jan Grabowski had been taken to a Polish court by a relative of a war-time mayor who was named in Grabowski’s 2018 book. An appeal court absolved a defamation ruling against Grabowski on the basis of academic freedom. [Ottawa Citizen]

▪️The mayor of Gatineau wants a direct bus route to Montréal. There are several bus companies that offer service starting in Gatineau, then though Ottawa, and down to Montreal but Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin says that takes too long. Gatineau has, he says, ‘broken away from its status as a suburb of Ottawa to become, in effect, the metropolis of the Outaouais and western Quebec’ and needs to have a direct link to Montréal without going through Ottawa. [CTV]

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